The role of additives in rheological properties of dough -Farinograph
Durim Alija, Daniela N. Nedelkovska, Gafur Xhabiri
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The aim of this paper is to evaluate the physicochemical properties and investigate rheological analyzes with the Farinograph of wheat flours without additives and with several different additives. The rheological aspects of dough samples made from flour of three varieties of wheat and their combination with Fungal α-Amylase and Glycolipase-Xylanase were investigated by rheological methods using the Farinograph and Dynamic Rheology device. The results from the Farinograph showed that the best rheological qualities of the dough produced from different types of flour with additive mixture have the test from the wheat variety Rakon (T 400S), while the test from the wheat variety Novosadska Rana (T 400) and Zvezdana (T500) have lower rheological quality. Comparing the results obtained from physico-chemical analyzes, we notice that the protein and gluten content has the highest values in the Hungarian variety Rakon. It is worth noting that the capacity for water absorption is increased in all types of mixtures, while the stability of the dough, as one of the important indicators of the Farinograph, has different values after mixing different types of flour with additives.