GlobeEdit (2023-08-17) - ISBN-13: 978-620-6-17583-4
Python bu umumiy maqsadli dasturlash uchun keng tarzda foydalaniladigan yuqori darajali dasturlash tili
GlobeEdit (2023-08-17) - ISBN-13: 978-620-6-17565-0
in International Documents
GlobeEdit (2023-08-17) - ISBN-13: 978-620-6-17588-9
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Its psychological role in the development of the psyche, its positive and negative affects
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For students who want to improve their reading skill
GlobeEdit (2023-08-16) - ISBN-13: 978-620-6-17547-6
Əbdurrauf Fitrətin yaradıcılığı əsasında
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Следующее методическое пособие разработано в целях ускорения реформ в системе высшего образования
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5340200 – “Bino va inshootlar qurilishi”yo’nalishida taxsil olayotgan talabalar va qurilish sohasidagi mutahassislarga
GlobeEdit (2023-08-14) - ISBN-13: 978-620-6-17364-9
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