A Case Study in Asia
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-01-20) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-8473-4712-5
Morphometrics to Computational Biology
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-01-20) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-8473-4868-9
and Learners Communicative Competence
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-01-20) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-8473-4917-4
Handbook for development studies students
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-01-20) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-8473-4924-2
Efficacy of Vernonia amygdalina Delile and Tephrosia vogelii Hook Extracts against Goat Gastro-Intestinal Nematodes
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-01-20) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-8473-4980-8
With our algorithm, Wendy should not be able to distinguish in any way between cover-image and stego-image
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-01-20) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-8473-4948-8
Implications for Participatory Democracy in Nigeria
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-01-20) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-8473-4705-7
Gender Disparity in Adoption of Improved Sorghum Package:the case of agro-pastoral System, Somali region of Ethiopia
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-01-20) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-8473-4993-8
A study on the policy change and effects since early 2000
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-01-20) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-8473-4311-0
Hazard Assessment System
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-01-20) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-8473-4589-3
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