to epidermal transglutaminase, BP180, BP230, desmoglein 1 and 3 in autoimmune blistering dermatoses
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-05-15) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-8454-3373-8
An Application in Financial Sector
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-05-15) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-8484-4072-6
in the Small Farmland Using Remote Sensing and GIS
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Ameliorative influence of some feed additives on growth, nutrient profile and pigmentation in certain upland fishes
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Stimulating innovation in higher education
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Black Liquor Utilization As Concrete Admixture
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Fabrication, characterization, and theoretical studies
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Molecular Analysis of Gene Markers in Urine of Patients with Superficial and Muscle Invasive Transitional Cell carcinoma
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in pedestrian detection
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лингвокультурологический аспект
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