Influence of Magnetic Field on Removal of Copper Ions from Waste-water
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-10-06) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-659-14273-4
Adenosine deaminase and Gamma glutamyl transferase enzyme activity in Cervical cancer
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-10-06) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-659-25904-3
Formulation and Development of Ophthalmic Solution for Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug (NSAID)
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-10-06) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-659-26823-6
Bayesian and non-Bayesian Approaches
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-10-06) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-659-26778-9
An Overview & Implementation
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-10-06) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-659-26595-2
Antibacterial activity against Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-10-06) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-659-26665-2
Epidemiology and Research
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-10-06) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-8484-8028-9
Есть ли социальная база у российского демократического проекта?
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-10-06) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-659-25833-6
Influence of Teacher and School Variables on Use of Community Resources in Social Science Teaching
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-10-06) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-659-26516-7
Redispatching procedures to ensure power system security in the context of real-time operation
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-10-06) - ISBN- 1 3: 978-3-659-24832-0
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