Scholars' Press

11969 Prodotti

Omni badge Educational Philosophy

Gauhati University Four Year Undergraduate Programme (FYUGP) B.A. 4th Semester

Sistema dell'istruzione

Scholars' Press (13.12.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-3-639-71284-1

74,90 €
Omni badge Reproductive Health Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior

Among Out Of School Adolescents in Rural Andhrapradesh


Scholars' Press (11.12.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-3-639-71074-8

65,90 €
Omni badge A comprehensive Review on the Diagnosis

and Treatment of Neurological Diseases such as Alzheimer's based on Clinical and Pathological Points


Scholars' Press (10.12.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-3-639-71042-7

65,90 €
Omni badge Micro-finance and Micro-enterprise

Only Prefix or Perfect Relationships

Andamento gestionale (management)

Scholars' Press (10.12.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-3-639-71070-0

87,90 €
Omni badge Through the Camera Hole

Carrollian Elements in the Hitchcockian Cinema

Cinema: Generico, opere di consultazione

Scholars' Press (10.12.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-3-639-51610-4

65,90 €
Omni badge Dielectric capacitors versus supercapacitors

Developing new-generation materials for electrodes and electrolytes

Tecnologia termica, energetica e nucleare

Scholars' Press (10.12.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-3-639-51415-5

65,90 €

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