LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

212150 Prodotti

Omni badge Jude in the Middle

How the Epistle of Jude Illustrates Gnostic Ties with Jewish Apocalypticism Through Early Christianity


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (20.04.2010) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-5872-7

79,00 €
Omni badge Ontology-based Semantic Data Integration

An ontology based approach to semi-automatic real time data intergration and query from multiple heterogeneous sources

Informatica, Elaborazione elettronica dati

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (20.04.2010) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-5881-9

79,00 €
Omni badge Social Economy: Cooperatives

Issues, Role and Case Studies: Micro Finance and Cooperatives in Social Economy of India

Economia internazionale

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (20.04.2010) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-5882-6

79,00 €
Omni badge How is education possible in a world with AIDS?

Telling the stories of teachers with AIDS


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (20.04.2010) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-5892-5

79,00 €
Omni badge Barriers to cancer pain management with opioids

Patient-related barriers to cancer pain management and health care professionals'' rationale to choose fentanyl


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (20.04.2010) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-5890-1

49,00 €
Omni badge Optimal Design of Heat Recovery Steam Cycles and Heat Integration

Mathematical Model, Numerical Optimization and Application to Low CO2 Emission Plants


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (20.04.2010) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-5884-0

79,00 €
Omni badge IT Systems and Management

Concepts and Challenges for Evaluation


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (20.04.2010) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-5893-2

49,00 €

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