Dictus Publishing

1374 Prodotti

Omni badge Understanding and Mastering Coal Fired Ashes Geopolymerisation Process

in Order to Turn Potential Into Profit (GEOASH)

Settori economici, branche

Dictus Publishing (09.01.2013) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8454-5829-8

39,00 €
Omni badge Most Appropriate Treatments

to Control the Environmental Impact of Effluents in the Iron and Steel Industry

Settori economici, branche

Dictus Publishing (09.01.2013) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8454-5860-1

39,00 €
Omni badge Mehr Frauen in Führungspositionen

Ein Schlüssel zu wirtschaftlicher Stabilität und Wachstum

Diritto del lavoro, diritto sociale

Dictus Publishing (09.01.2013) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8433-3849-3

34,00 €
Omni badge Leitfaden für die berufliche Bildung in KMU

KMU in Europa – Fakten, Zahlen und Entwicklungen

Scienze sociali in generale

Dictus Publishing (09.01.2013) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8443-6200-8

34,00 €
Omni badge Upgrading of High Moisture Low Rank Coal to Hydrogen and Methane

Selection and Delivery of Suitable Coals and Minerals for the Process

Tecnologia termica, energetica e nucleare

Dictus Publishing (09.01.2013) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8443-6349-4

34,00 €
Omni badge Radionuclide Metrology in the Fields of Food and Environment

The Development of a Matrix Reference Material for the Determination of Radionuclides

Tecnologia termica, energetica e nucleare

Dictus Publishing (09.01.2013) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8443-6518-4

39,00 €
Omni badge EU Co-sponsored Research on Reactor Safety/Severe Accidents

Final Summary Reports: "Source Term (ST)" Cluster Projects

Tecnologia termica, energetica e nucleare

Dictus Publishing (09.01.2013) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8443-6578-8

79,00 €
Omni badge Cluster

Club of Undergroung Storage, Testing and Research Facilities for Radioactive Waste Disposal

Tecnologia termica, energetica e nucleare

Dictus Publishing (09.01.2013) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8443-6585-6

59,00 €
Omni badge Zugang zu den Dokumenten des Ausschusses der Regionen

Benutzerleitfaden für die Bürger

Scienze politiche

Dictus Publishing (09.01.2013) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8443-6709-6

29,00 €
Omni badge Für ein mobiles Europa

Nachhaltige Mobilität für unseren Kontinent


Dictus Publishing (09.01.2013) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8443-6960-1

29,00 €

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