LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

212171 Produits

Omni badge Political and Economic Reform

Significance of the Problem


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (11-01-2010) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-3766-1

79.00 €
Omni badge Classical q-Numbers: A Study of the Case q = -1

Algebraic and Combinatorial Approaches


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (11-01-2010) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-3758-6

49.00 €
Omni badge Are fine root and leaf lifespans correlated?

Annual patterns of root production


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (11-01-2010) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-3764-7

59.00 €

Personalised Learning in a Web 2.0 Environment


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (11-01-2010) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-3768-5

59.00 €
Omni badge Complement Regulatory Proteins in Breast Cancer

Expression of Complement Regulatory Proteins CD59, CD55, CD46 and MHC Class I Molecules on Breast Carcinomas

Disciplines cliniques

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (11-01-2010) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-3769-2

79.00 €
Omni badge The Evolution of Cooperation

Insights from Experimental Populations of Pseudomonas


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (11-01-2010) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-3772-2

79.00 €
Omni badge Graft compatibility in Prunus avium L.

Quantification of compatibility/incompatibility in scion/rootstock graft union

Agriculture, Horticulture, Sylviculture, Pêche, Nutrition

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (11-01-2010) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-3770-8

49.00 €
Omni badge Certain Uncertainties

Contemporary Physics and Postmodernist Literature

sciences littéraires comparées et générales

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (11-01-2010) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-3767-8

68.00 €
Omni badge Management of Customers'' Communication Behaviors

Effects of Satisfaction, Organizational Reputation, and Identification with Company

Publicité, Marketing

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (11-01-2010) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-3775-3

68.00 €

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