LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

212212 Produits

Omni badge Access to Chemistry (Vol III)

Fundamentals of General Chemistry


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (18-05-2012) - ISBN-13: 978-3-659-13270-4

79.00 €
Omni badge Access to Chemistry (Vol II)

Fundamentals of General Chemistry


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (18-05-2012) - ISBN-13: 978-3-659-11377-2

79.00 €
Omni badge Social Media Marketing

A Tendency of Entrepreneur's Personality Toward Technology Adoption

Publicité, Marketing

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (18-05-2012) - ISBN-13: 978-3-659-12571-3

49.00 €
Omni badge Algorithms for Image Thresholding

Study of Robust Algorithm For Image Thresholding Based On 2D Tsallis Entropy

Informatique, IT

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (18-05-2012) - ISBN-13: 978-3-659-12800-4

49.00 €
Omni badge Формы миграции химических элементов в дренажных потоках

из-под отвальных пород Ведугинского месторождения золота (Красноярский край)


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (18-05-2012) - ISBN-13: 978-3-659-12656-7

49.00 €
Omni badge Fiber Optic Sensing and Performance Evaluation of Geo-Structures

Stability assessment in geotechnical engineering using innovative monitoring methodology

Technique du bâtiment et d'environnement

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (18-05-2012) - ISBN-13: 978-3-659-12257-6

79.00 €
Omni badge Information Security

Human Awareness and Practice

Informatique, IT

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (18-05-2012) - ISBN-13: 978-3-659-12522-5

59.00 €

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