LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

210673 Productos

Omni badge Investigating Effects of Technology on Ethics Challenges

An Academic Guidance Perspectives on Method of Studying Effects of Technology onto Ethics


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2024-09-05) - ISBN-13: 978-620-8-06541-6

43.90 €
Omni badge Proteomics in Schistosomiasis: Application and Relevance

Proteomics Application in Schistosomiasis: Host-Parasite Interaction and Therapeutics

La bioquímica, la biofísica

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2024-09-04) - ISBN-13: 978-620-8-06516-4

60.90 €
Omni badge Metro and light rail

Planning, design, construction, and operation of metro and light rail systems

Construcción y tecnología ambiental

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2024-09-04) - ISBN-13: 978-620-8-06343-6

96.90 €
Omni badge AI-Driven HR 5.0

Shaping the Future Talents for a Dynamic Workforce in an Evolving Economy


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2024-09-04) - ISBN-13: 978-620-8-06451-8

60.90 €
Omni badge Investigating the mutual impact of depression, job satisfaction

and anxiety among female teachers in the country's education system

Ciencia política y la educación política

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2024-09-04) - ISBN-13: 978-620-8-01255-7

43.90 €

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