Our Knowledge Publishing

27227 Товары

Omni badge Interval Training

An invitation to obese individuals to lose weight


Our Knowledge Publishing (2023-07-10) - ISBN-13: 978-620-6-22354-2

337.16 HK$
Omni badge Homeless People

The problem of the enforcement of fundamental rights and public policies

Гражданские право, гражданское производство

Our Knowledge Publishing (2023-07-10) - ISBN-13: 978-620-6-20710-8

463.91 HK$
Omni badge Medication cost management,fitness and quality of life

Comparative study between levels of schooling and physical activity in institutionalized elderly in Cuiabá, MT


Our Knowledge Publishing (2023-07-10) - ISBN-13: 978-620-6-22326-9

320.26 HK$
Omni badge Sebastião Salgado:

A planetary look at the Social Sciences.

Общие социальные науки

Our Knowledge Publishing (2023-07-10) - ISBN-13: 978-620-6-21056-6

337.16 HK$
Omni badge Practical experience in the production of hot water with solar energy

Construction and testing of a flat-plate solar collector made from reclaimed materials

Строительство и экологические технологии

Our Knowledge Publishing (2023-07-10) - ISBN-13: 978-620-6-22264-4

370.96 HK$
Omni badge Should the termination of an established commercial relationship be regulated?

Study on the issues and impact of the application of article L. 442- 6, I, 5° of the French Commercial Code


Our Knowledge Publishing (2023-07-10) - ISBN-13: 978-620-6-22371-9

556.86 HK$

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