Our Knowledge Publishing

27183 Товары

Omni badge Cardboard caskets

Pandemic, postpornography and the strategies of the self


Our Knowledge Publishing (2023-07-11) - ISBN-13: 978-620-6-22852-3

367.88 HK$
Omni badge Effects of ACE inhibitors and Beta-blockers in Cancer Prevention

Effectiveness of IECAS and BB for the Prevention of Cardiotoxicity Produced by Chemotherapeutics and Tretazumab in Cancer


Our Knowledge Publishing (2023-07-11) - ISBN-13: 978-620-6-22936-0

367.88 HK$
Omni badge Leclézian metaphysics

A Literary and Philosophical Reading

20-й и 21-й век

Our Knowledge Publishing (2023-07-11) - ISBN-13: 978-620-6-22947-6

728.22 HK$
Omni badge Adherence to drug treatment by diabetic patients

A prevalence study in the primary care network of Boa Vista-RR


Our Knowledge Publishing (2023-07-10) - ISBN-13: 978-620-6-22000-8

334.36 HK$
Omni badge Teaching-Learning Process

Teacher Attitudes towards Managing Hyperactive Learners

Система образования

Our Knowledge Publishing (2023-07-10) - ISBN-13: 978-620-6-22294-1

460.06 HK$
Omni badge Interval Training

An invitation to obese individuals to lose weight


Our Knowledge Publishing (2023-07-10) - ISBN-13: 978-620-6-22354-2

334.36 HK$
Omni badge Homeless People

The problem of the enforcement of fundamental rights and public policies

Гражданские право, гражданское производство

Our Knowledge Publishing (2023-07-10) - ISBN-13: 978-620-6-20710-8

460.06 HK$

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