LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

208846 Товары

Omni badge Sustainable Finance and Ethical/Corporate Social Responsibility

The New Paradigm: Generali Insurance Company case of study

Управление бизнеса

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2011-09-09) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8454-7843-2

2,797.39 NT$
Omni badge A Cognitive Semantics of Translating Metonyms in the Glorious Qur'ân

An approach of studying translation as a cognitive semantic phenomenon


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2011-09-09) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8454-7936-1

2,797.39 NT$
Omni badge Green Energy Solution Selection Process

An Analytical Network Process (ANP) Approach on Indonesia's Electricity Deprived Region of North Maluku Province

Методы эмпирического и качественного социологического исследования

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2011-09-09) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8454-7965-1

2,089.19 NT$
Omni badge Study of randomness for different time intervals

Study of Randomness of Motor Nerve Backfiring for Different Stimulation Intervals

Физика, астрономия

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2011-09-09) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8454-7536-3

1,735.09 NT$
Omni badge Violent Management

Theory, Definition and Diagnosis


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2011-09-09) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8465-0013-2

2,089.19 NT$
Omni badge The rise of Guerrilla Documentaries

The effective use of the 'guerrilla doc' method of single-operator, video production for documentaries

Медиа, коммуникации

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2011-09-09) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8465-0045-3

1,735.09 NT$
Omni badge The Role of Culture in Personnel Selection

Does Culture Affect Hiring the Right Person for the Job?

Практическая психология

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2011-09-09) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8443-9119-0

2,797.39 NT$
Omni badge Private Museology

Establishing New Cultural Industries in Istanbul

Общие социальные науки

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2011-09-09) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8443-0949-2

2,089.19 NT$
Omni badge Optimal scheduling for biocide dosing and heat exchangers maintenance

A novel approach to the design of seawater cooling systems towards environmentally friendly seawater cooling systems


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2011-09-09) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8454-7370-3

2,797.39 NT$
Omni badge Asset Allocation, Risk Management and the Variance Risk Premium

Portfolio Management and Risk Management implications of the S&P500 predictability

Деньги, Банк, Биржа

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2011-09-09) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8454-7124-2

2,089.19 NT$

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