Scholars' Press

11513 Prodotti

Omni badge Whose Perspective Counts?

Context, Subjectivities, Factors, and Consequences of Teenage pregnancy in the Departamento De Granada, Nicaragua

Metodi della ricerca sociale empirica e quantitativa

Scholars' Press (20.02.2014) - ISBN-13: 978-3-639-70989-6

84,92 £
Omni badge Reality Check

Neoconservatism, Realism and The Battle for How the World Really Is

Teorie politiche e la storia delle idee politiche

Scholars' Press (20.02.2014) - ISBN-13: 978-3-639-70325-2

67,92 £
Omni badge Aspects of a Lumbee Indian community that support Algebra I students

How a Native American community in which "everybody knows everybody" work together for the academic success of students

Aritmetica, Algebra

Scholars' Press (20.02.2014) - ISBN-13: 978-3-639-70653-6

64,52 £
Omni badge Experimental investigation of the load response of model piles in sand

A study to clarify the Influence of axial load on the lateral response of steel piles in sand


Scholars' Press (20.02.2014) - ISBN-13: 978-3-639-51450-6

61,12 £
Omni badge Artistry and Cello Technique

Illustrated through Bernard Greenhouse's Interpretation of Beethoven's D Major Sonata for Cello and Piano, Op. 102 No. 2

Lettere in generale

Scholars' Press (20.02.2014) - ISBN-13: 978-3-639-70647-5

23,72 £
Omni badge Complexity & Structure Architettura

Scholars' Press (20.02.2014) - ISBN-13: 978-3-639-70209-5

50,92 £
Omni badge Student Ecosystems Problem Solving with a Computer Simulation

Environmental Decision Making in Biology


Scholars' Press (20.02.2014) - ISBN-13: 978-3-639-70252-1

57,72 £

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