Our Knowledge Publishing

27188 Prodotti

Omni badge The Importance of Intellectual Capital and its Accounting

Managers' and accountants' perceptions of intellectual capital and a proposed model for accounting for it

Andamento gestionale (management)

Our Knowledge Publishing (27.02.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-20912-5

1.448,27 NT$
Omni badge Reading mediation

the importance of professional readers and transcribers for visually impaired people

Istruzione, professione, mestieri, carriera

Our Knowledge Publishing (27.02.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-20158-7

1.554,50 NT$
Omni badge Solidarity in Environmental Responsibility

A legacy for our common future

Generico, lessici

Our Knowledge Publishing (27.02.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-21036-7

1.766,96 NT$
Omni badge In search of the principles of Paideia in technological society

Greek philosophy as a germ for contemporary thinking about technology

Generico, lessici

Our Knowledge Publishing (27.02.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-21052-7

1.766,96 NT$
Omni badge Analysis of Portland cement with added radiopacifying agents

Analysis of radiopacity, pH and antimicrobial activity


Our Knowledge Publishing (27.02.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-20997-2

1.023,35 NT$
Omni badge Psychotherapy in the face of Human Freedom

An Orteguian discussion

Psicologia applicata

Our Knowledge Publishing (27.02.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-21083-1

1.766,96 NT$
Omni badge Ecotourism and Community-Based Tourism

In the RDS Ponta do Tubarão, Rio Grande do Norte

Scienze naturali in generale

Our Knowledge Publishing (27.02.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-21145-6

1.271,22 NT$
Omni badge Difficulties in teaching and learning maths

In public high schools


Our Knowledge Publishing (27.02.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-21093-0

1.271,22 NT$
Omni badge Reading and Understanding an Essay at School

Teaching and Learning Process of Reading/Reading Comprehension

Istruzione, professione, mestieri, carriera

Our Knowledge Publishing (27.02.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-21151-7

2.439,75 NT$

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