Our Knowledge Publishing

27248 Prodotti

Omni badge Anthropological research

A Practical Guide


Our Knowledge Publishing (29.02.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-22727-3

2.156,47 NT$
Omni badge Green Finance

Steps to implement eco-responsible finance


Our Knowledge Publishing (29.02.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-22737-2

3.006,31 NT$
Omni badge Basic knowledge of anti-Semitism Part 1

Aspects of historical-political education

Scienze politiche e formazione politica

Our Knowledge Publishing (29.02.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-22748-8

1.554,50 NT$
Omni badge Development of Geometric Thinking in Primary School: A Didactic Model

Linking Developmental Didactics and the Van Hiele Model for Primary Education.

Pedagogia scolastica, didattica, metodologia

Our Knowledge Publishing (29.02.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-20047-4

2.545,98 NT$
Omni badge Teenage pregnancy rate

Influence of social, cultural and educational factors


Our Knowledge Publishing (28.02.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-15602-3

1.944,01 NT$
Omni badge Teaching history from the street

Learning history outside the classroom in an innovative way through street nomenclature

Pedagogia scolastica, didattica, metodologia

Our Knowledge Publishing (28.02.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-15782-2

2.191,88 NT$

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