Our Knowledge Publishing

27248 Prodotti

Omni badge Intervention from the psychodramatic perspective in groups of men

with violent behavior. Differential model of intervention from the perspective

Scienze sociali in generale

Our Knowledge Publishing (22.06.2020) - ISBN-13: 978-620-2-59863-7

952,53 NT$
Omni badge Proposal for a Didactic Booklet for an Appropriate Vocational Guidance

An instructional guide for choosing careers in middle school and technical school adolescents

Istruzione, professione, mestieri, carriera

Our Knowledge Publishing (21.06.2020) - ISBN-13: 978-620-2-60040-8

1.342,04 NT$
Omni badge Vocational guidance strategies in secondary education

media and technique. A case study for the choice of vocational training careers in adolescents

Istruzione, professione, mestieri, carriera

Our Knowledge Publishing (21.06.2020) - ISBN-13: 978-620-2-60032-3

952,53 NT$
Omni badge Political Awareness and Exercise of Citizenship in Mozambique

Case of Vila Municipal da Macia, 2009-2013

Scienze politiche

Our Knowledge Publishing (20.06.2020) - ISBN-13: 978-620-2-59081-5

1.342,04 NT$

Employment of Production Engineering Methods and Tools in the Development of a Small Fashion Company

Andamento gestionale (management)

Our Knowledge Publishing (20.06.2020) - ISBN-13: 978-620-2-59517-9

952,53 NT$
Omni badge Physical activity, from the mind outwards

significant scientific concepts, arguments and supports of physical activity and fitness in the reality of life

Istruzione degli adulti

Our Knowledge Publishing (20.06.2020) - ISBN-13: 978-620-2-59354-0

1.342,04 NT$
Omni badge Oil in the Old Testament

Scientific research


Our Knowledge Publishing (19.06.2020) - ISBN-13: 978-620-0-89874-6

952,53 NT$
Omni badge The SUS Technical Schools

What political-pedagogical projects support them?


Our Knowledge Publishing (19.06.2020) - ISBN-13: 978-620-2-58767-9

1.483,68 NT$
Omni badge The distribution allocated to victims by the International Criminal Court

Reparation to victims in the event of acquittal before the ICC: the case of Jean-Pierre Bemba

Diritto penale, diritto del processo penale, criminologia

Our Knowledge Publishing (19.06.2020) - ISBN-13: 978-620-2-59644-2

952,53 NT$

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