LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

208895 Prodotti

Omni badge Russian Foreign Policy Discourse during and after the Georgian War

Social Constructivism and Media Discourse as as an Alternative Approach in Political Research

Scienze politiche

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (12.08.2011) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8454-3033-1

1.735,09 NT$
Omni badge Malawi Journals

of what value are reflective journals in education?

Istruzione, professione, mestieri, carriera

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (12.08.2011) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8454-3034-8

1.735,09 NT$
Omni badge Attitudes Of People Who Use Medical Services About Privacy Of EHR

Opinions on Privacy and Confidentiality of Health Information in Electronic Environment

Informatica, Elaborazione elettronica dati

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (12.08.2011) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8454-1772-1

1.735,09 NT$
Omni badge Effects of varying humiditiy in polymers by nanoindentation

Investigation of the effects of varying humidity in additive manufactured by depth sensing indentation


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (12.08.2011) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8454-3050-8

2.797,39 NT$
Omni badge Geometric Perspective of Entropy Function

Embedding, Spectrum and Convexity

Fisica, Astronomia

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (12.08.2011) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8454-3178-9

1.735,09 NT$
Omni badge Emergence of Curriculum Development in 21st Century

Curriculum Engineering- Perspectives of 21st Century

Istruzione, professione, mestieri, carriera

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (12.08.2011) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8454-3247-2

2.797,39 NT$

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