LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

208840 Prodotti

Omni badge Socio-Economic Condition of Rural Women

in Agriculture and Livestock Activities (a Case Study in District Musakhail of Baluchistan Province)

Metodi della ricerca sociale empirica e quantitativa

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (01.12.2011) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8473-0125-7

1.735,09 NT$
Omni badge India's Petroleum Diplomacy

Relations with Nigeria and Sudan: A Study of Petroleum Products

Politica ed economica

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (01.12.2011) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8473-0108-0

2.407,88 NT$
Omni badge Economics of Regional Transport Infrastructure in Asia

An Award Winning Research compilation by the Author on the Economics and Scope of Infrastructure Development in ASIA


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (01.12.2011) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8473-0225-4

1.735,09 NT$
Omni badge Road Infrastructure and Rural Income in Ethiopia

Transmission Mechanisms


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (01.12.2011) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8473-0139-4

2.797,39 NT$
Omni badge The Psychological Effect Of a Disclosure Of Child Sexual Assault

Implications for assessment and intervention practices for children and families who have been affected by CSA


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (01.12.2011) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8473-0286-5

1.735,09 NT$
Omni badge To evaluate JK Packaging Board Performance in the market

The project is To evaluate JK Packaging Board Performance in the market with the help of Conjoint Analysis

Pubblicità, Marketing

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (01.12.2011) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8473-0331-2

1.735,09 NT$
Omni badge Entrepreneurial Issues for PM services in Construction Industry

A book for Entrepreneurs and Professionals in the Industry


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (01.12.2011) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8473-0407-4

1.735,09 NT$

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