Our Knowledge Publishing

27149 Termékek

Omni badge Menus adapted to older adults: underweight and dysphagia

Food selection, preparation techniques and strategies, dietary recommendations and menu planning

Integrált gyógyszerészet

Our Knowledge Publishing (22.01.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-07622-2

33,92 £
Omni badge Limnology Of High Andean Lentic Ecosystems

A look at fragile mountain ecosystems


Our Knowledge Publishing (22.01.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-07809-7

46,67 £
Omni badge Learning Styles and Creativity

Creative skills and abilities that achieve effective and lasting learning

Oktatási rendszer

Our Knowledge Publishing (22.01.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-07676-5

52,62 £
Omni badge Anthology of linguistic essays

A journey through semiotics, linguistic variation, morphology and morphopragmatics

Általános és összehasonlító nyelvtudomány

Our Knowledge Publishing (22.01.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-07836-3

33,92 £
Omni badge Leachate Treatment with Physicochemical Processes

Research experiences in leachate treatment

Fizikai kémia

Our Knowledge Publishing (22.01.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-07886-8

33,92 £
Omni badge The citizen groups of the district of Santa

Participation model in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic


Our Knowledge Publishing (22.01.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-07816-5

37,32 £
Omni badge Female Empowerment and Mobilization through Communication

Implementation of a communication strategy that determines certain guidelines for the visibility of a brand


Our Knowledge Publishing (22.01.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-07570-6

46,67 £

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