Our Knowledge Publishing

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Omni badge Sherlock/Watson

Slash fiction as queer translation

Általános és összehasonlító irodalomtudomány

Our Knowledge Publishing (28.02.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-21633-8

42,42 £
Omni badge The process of strategic change and adaptation

A case study of a company in the field of scientific medical refrigeration

Üzletvezetés, menedzsment

Our Knowledge Publishing (28.02.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-21872-1

30,52 £
Omni badge Manual for Using the AVA Platform of the University of Uberaba

UNIUBE Virtual Institutional Area step-by-step for Students


Our Knowledge Publishing (28.02.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-21782-3

30,52 £
Omni badge GNR soldiers as victims of crime

Against persons and against public authorities in the exercise of their functions


Our Knowledge Publishing (28.02.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-21888-2

51,77 £
Omni badge Automatic learning

Automatic learning


Our Knowledge Publishing (28.02.2024) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-21885-1

33,92 £

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