Our Knowledge Publishing

27157 Productos

Omni badge Female genital mutilation and forced marriage of minors

A comparison of German and Austrian law


Our Knowledge Publishing (2024-06-08) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-63080-6

2,439.75 NT$
Omni badge Ageing

A psychoanalytical view


Our Knowledge Publishing (2024-06-08) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-63093-6

846.30 NT$
Omni badge Tourism potential of Dombe Grande, Baía Farta, Benguela in Angola

Natural tourist destination and mystical culture


Our Knowledge Publishing (2024-06-08) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-63098-1

1,271.22 NT$
Omni badge Stephen Ball's contributions to a policy study

Student Accompanying Program of the UNLPam: specific case of the FCH, General Pico Campus (2005-2010)

Sociología política

Our Knowledge Publishing (2024-06-07) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-62727-1

1,554.50 NT$
Omni badge Unlocking the secrets of architectural design

Processes and methods adopted by great names in architecture


Our Knowledge Publishing (2024-06-07) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-62733-2

1,766.96 NT$
Omni badge Ecological ICMS

Sustainable public policy instrument


Our Knowledge Publishing (2024-06-07) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-62757-8

1,271.22 NT$
Omni badge Unraveling IP Networks: Streaming

Find out how to measure Internet transmissions for quality in practice and which parameters affect each environment

La comunicación de datos, redes

Our Knowledge Publishing (2024-06-07) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-62839-1

1,766.96 NT$
Omni badge Financial mathematics and the learning process

In elementary school


Our Knowledge Publishing (2024-06-07) - ISBN-13: 978-620-7-62866-7

1,271.22 NT$

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